We found 10 episodes of Real Faith Stories with the tag “real faith stories”.
29: Christine Najem - Dedicating Your Life And Business To God
January 7th, 2021 | 37 mins 40 secs
brian robinson, capstone, cedarwood realty group, charbel najem, christine najem, real estate, real faith stories
When Christine and Charbel Najem decided to go all-in on their faith, things immediately got harder...a lot harder. However, God was directly orchestrating circumstances that required ALL their trust in Him. Then, the amazing started to happen.
28: Ben Kasica - Taking Action On Your Desires
December 31st, 2020 | 32 mins 6 secs
ben kasica, brian robinson, guitarist, real faith stories, skies fall, skillet, tribl
Ben Kasica's career includes over 10 years in the band SKILLET (Atlantic Records) selling over 10 million records, 2 Grammy nominations and scoring numerous #1 radio singles. Then he launched Skies Fall, a production company and entertainment eco-sytem where he's led the development and production of thousands of powerful stories in the film & television space as well as creating strategy and content for Fortune 500 brands, celebrities, influencers and organizations. All of this has been tied to a simple, powerful approach to life: take action on your desires, and as you do, it's a green light until it's a red light.
27: Brian Robinson - Journal Thoughts: "Full, Unconditional, Surrender"
December 24th, 2020 | 3 mins 31 secs
43 amazing questions for discovering your purpose, brian robinson, full, real faith stories, surrender, unconditional
This week's brief episode is an excerpt from my personal journal entitled, "Full, Unconditional, Surrender." For a limited time I'm also providing a free gift for you!
26: Joshua Feuerstein - How Brokenness Can Become Your Blessing
December 17th, 2020 | 38 mins 55 secs
america's church, americas church, brian robinson, joshua feuerstein, real faith stories, starbucks cup
Joshua had a horrific speech impediment from the time he was 4 years old until God miraculously healed him at age 17. This experience catapulted him into speaking engagements all over the country. Then, he fell in love and was about to get married when his heart was broken into "a billion pieces." This lead him into posting videos on Facebook that eventually garnered over 4 BILLION views. Joshua's mantra is this: Put Yourself In A Position Where You HAVE TO RELY ON GOD In Order To Accomplish Whatever It Is That You're Wanting To Accomplish And See What He Will Do.
25: Luke Redus - Overcoming The Lie That You're Not Good Enough
December 10th, 2020 | 39 mins 24 secs
brian robinson, compassion united, conroe, luke redus, miracle city, real faith stories
Imagine at six years old, you wake up one morning to find that both of your parents have left you - literally abandoned you - and they're not coming back. Now you're an orphan. What Luke Redus experienced from that moment forward is both heart-wrenching and ultimately, awe-inspiring.
24: Tommy Breedlove - Participating In Your Own Rescue
December 3rd, 2020 | 35 mins 28 secs
brian robinson, goodness, legendary, real faith stories, tommy breedlove
At 39 years-old, Tommy Breedlove was at the top of a hugely successful career as a shareholder, member of the board of directors and International Practice Leader for one of the largest public accounting and financial firms in the southeast U.S. Then he experienced a transformational moment inspiring him to walk away from the corporate world to change his life and follow his true calling. In this episode we talk about his God-ordained experience and the choices he made to participate 100% in his own rescue which eventually lead him to become a Wall Street Journal & USA Today bestselling author and Atlanta-based business, relationship, and mindset coach who is a regular featured keynote speaker at global events.
23: Jeremy Box - Hearing, Believing, Then Acting
November 19th, 2020 | 36 mins 17 secs
brandstrum, brian robinson, jeremy box, real faith stories, uncommon legacy
Jeremy received a powerful word of encouragement that would change the entire trajectory of his life. But first, he had to believe it was true, despite the lies he was hearing to the contrary. Then, two weeks after receiving this word, his boss pulled him into a meeting and told him he was going to manage a project for which he had no prior experience. Despite feeling unqualified, overwhelmed and insecure, he took massive action. This led to more opportunities, which then led him to start and grow two successful businesses. Ultimately, believing in the word he heard, then acting on it changed everything in his life. Find out how in this episode of Real Faith Stories.
22: Judy Weber - How Desperation Lead To Transformation
November 12th, 2020 | 33 mins 28 secs
brian robinson, business coach, judy weber, judyweberlive, real faith stories, she is extraordinary!
Judy Weber was a self-proclaimed pro-abortion femi-nazi who made an internal vow to never "obey" her husband, unless it was on her terms. However, a series of unimaginable circumstances brought her to a place of total desperation. In that desperation she turned to the Word of God and then everything began to change. Now, she is a sought-after Christ-centered business coach, who's core message is; "go 'all in' on who Christ made you to be, so you can step into your life's purpose, and begin to tap into the awesome potential you have."
21: Charbel Najem - Nothing Is Impossible With God
November 5th, 2020 | 46 mins 25 secs
brian robinson, capstone, capstone builders, charbel, charbel najem, faith stories, real faith stories
At 24 years old, Charbel Najem immigrated from war-torn Lebanon to the United States with just $500 in his pocket and a huge dream of making a difference. With no English speaking skills, other than what he learned from watching cartoons on TV, his journey has been one of seemingly impossible odds. And it certainly would have been impossible, except for one thing: nothing is impossible with God.
20: Mary Sirois - Following God's Promptings
October 29th, 2020 | 35 mins 56 secs
brian robinson, mary sirois, mav trading, real faith stories, tribl, tribl app
From being the only woman trading in the fed funds futures pit at the Chicago Board of Trade, to opening a salon, spa and retail space, to owning and running three property investment companies, to starting the TRIBL app and YouTube channel, Mary's life is one of following God's promptings, leaning into what she's sensing as His direction, then taking steps of faith. She's always had this belief that she could do anything and, God has wonderfully honored that belief.